Saturday, November 8, 2008

Melanie's Laughter

Today I am thankful for Melanie and the laughter that she brings to my life! This morning she crawled into bed with me and we spent our first minutes of the day in laughter! Then later today her cousin Betsy arrived for a sleepover and they have been laughing and giggling ever since! Melanie informed me that "laughter keeps you young"! I admire the wisdom she has at her age and hope she is correct in her statement!

I had a fun day creating a Thanksgiving scrapbook with a gal from work! It was amazing at how much you can do when you're not as anal as I am!! It turned out great for her first project! Maybe this will help inspire me to get my London book created by Christmas!!!


Marles said...

Holy cow that can't be Melanie?! Melanie is a cute little girl, this is a pretty young lady? You are growing up way too fast for me, "Lil Boog. Can I even call you that anymore?

Unknown said...

London? You have California than Cancun to do after that. Get crackin girlie........maybe you should add those to your list of 101 things.....:)

Debbie said...

Great photo of Melanie, and I think she is on the right track with laughter. If you don't laugh regularly, you end up an old sourpuss!

toners said...

What a cute photo!! Great post, Sue :)